
Out of context: Reply #64217

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  • bliznutty2

    help me i'm totally 100% addicted to marijuana and don't know how to quit. my daily lifestyle and environment are the main source - i really don't know how to stop - my body demands it. my behavior is drawn to its rituals,

    i know you're all laughing but its not funny

    • http://180degreeheal…deathboy
    • you ever suck dick for weed?!!sarahfailin
    • ^ & ^^ how insensitivepinkfloyd
    • damn. if you work at a corp or company most will have a hotline for help. they might be able to get you in to talk to someone about it.kona
    • getting personal for a moment. 2015 was the worst and i reached the absolute lowest point in my life. i reached out for help and it was the best thingkona
    • i could have done for myself. some things, you can't tackle alone.kona
    • If you are: stop fucking waking and baking - no good EVER comes of that. Try and spend time somewhere you cliterally just can't smoke, or buy any.detritus
    • thanks konabliznutty
    • hehe 'cliterally'.detritus
    • yeah.. been a few days without it after near constant for a while.. its hard.. aint going to lie..autoflavour
    • I gave up on Monday. Got a kid coming in 5 weeks. I found it surprisingly easy after day 3. But you sound like you got it bad so maybe seek professional help.HAYZ1LLLA
    • For me pot is just one of those things that's a bastard for three or four days and then - Poof! - the benefit of clarity becomes a buzz of its own.detritus
    • All I read was "Cliterlly"...pango
    • Word of the day!!!pango
    • I'm not laughing. I've been there, and I'm sure you're a functional stoner. I find that actual activities on schedule help keep you from craving it.monospaced
    • yea, when you're on a streak of smoking everyday, is hard to stop, the first days you get some nausea, but then you feel strongfeel
    • try smoking all you have, do a all weed day, until you can't get it anymore, and then spend some days without it, try doing 3 months w no weed, you'll feel finefeel
    • I used to be a chronic everyday smoker in my 20's. Once I turned 30, started having kids a house more responsibilities I quit.fooler
    • I'll smoke very occasionally now and have a 1 plant growing in my back yard but I find myself drinking a hell of a lot more.fooler
    • If you are serious check out this subreddit: r/leavesHijoDMaite
    • Being broke is the best way to quit a habit.Hayoth
    • thanks hijoDbliznutty
    • just exercise. its all chemical. replace one habit with another. shellie will atestdeathboy
    • find a good or a bad substitute for it.

      bad substitute: alcohol, nicotine
      good substitute: girl who doesn't smoke, but likes sex
    • I am celiac and had to give up most/all my dietary. Its not the same as you but I can help how to change habits. Start off small and dont try to shock body normugwart
    • mind. Try to make this an adventure. Explore new things and try not to think about it. look into all the things you want to do and slowly get into that.mugwart
    • not easy and you'll get withdrawals but after a month of hard work you'll feel better.
      Good luck
    • thanks mugwart! i'm going to try your approachbliznutty
    • go cold turkey for 1 year. no excuses.since1979
    • environment is your big issue... if it's the folks you hang with... you may want to give a bit of space to them and set out on your own a bit...exador1
    • just drop it, bet so tired by moving your ass that you can't smoke. the first week will be shit, but survive that and you're good.sted
    • God damn it, now I want to give it a try. I smoke pot pretty much everyday as well but I think I should stop even if I'm productive under the influence.Maaku
    • bet->get. stop smoking at the morning.
      and change your rituals (it doesn't matters to what).
    • i've built it into my life - everything i do contributes to it. live in CO, WFH software engineer, snowboarder, hippie/burner, I grow it, my friends grow/smokebliznutty
    • i've also been doing it for most my life. and with dabs its like even worse. most days i will do a dozen or more dabs and 1/2 dozen bowls or morebliznutty
    • i'm turning 40 next year. it would be a real treat for me to try life without it for awhilebliznutty
    • i'm fine the days i don't look at it. but when i do is when i feel powerless and it hurts. its a big mindfuck for me. i usually don't deal with it and just livebliznutty
    • like me, If you have a stash, you're gonna smoke it, just get rid of it, give it to someone elsefeel
    • trust me it's not an addiction if you aren't smoking one for the morning coffee, and sweat for no reason after not smoking for 2 days... xsted
    • if simply want to put down you have to change your habits. that's inevitable. or pick up a sectarian girl and dedicate your addiction to Jesus. ehhsted
    • hang in there dude. some folks are lucky and can walk away cold turkey. with others it takes time and a conscious effort to find other, healthier rituals.ronburgundy
    • Post here if you want more suggest/advice. Its not easy but if you make it an adventure its a lot of fun (not easy). Shit I lost 50kgs in 3 months and ...mugwart
    • ... ended up with the most incredible woman imaginable. Just don't make giving up a mental downermugwart
    • weed is a tricky bitch and lots of people like to downplay or deny its negative effects. props for deciding to get a handle on it!scarabin
    • I thought I was addicted...but turns out I'm not that addicted. thing is where I live now weed and hash are hard to get.oey
    • but I was way more productive and active when I was living in Amsterdam and smoking I can not focus and my work got worst.oey
    • back to you...hang tough, good advice from kona. it's good that you open yourself. I don't think anyone's laughing.oey
    • you took one step. it'll be one at a time. 1/4 of my closest friends used to be heroin addicts. most of the ones that didn't die kicked it away from their livesoey
    • if you feel that's what you really need and want you will be able to do it. good luck. stay strong.oey
    • http://www.mountneve…scarabin
    • i am the partybreaker. do what you wanna do man. wanna quit? man up and quit. wanna do more? do more.renderedred
    • This is easy to cut down, just start going to the gym, 5 days a week. That will be the first step, the second step you will already cut back. Then keep going!robotron3k
    • If you are really smoking hard, then work out 7 days a week, this will beat back your desires very quickly...robotron3k
    • Yeah and maybe downgrade from dabbing... :)detritus
    • Move to Dubai. You can even say the word weed.Raybandana
    • *can'tRaybandana
    • there's people on online chats that can help https://www.marijuan…sea_sea
    • I'm still chuckling at "cliterally". How could that have been an honest mistake?CyBrainX
    • https://s-media-cach…terry_cloth
    • https://s-media-cach…terry_cloth
    • just stop smoking the shit, there are no withdrawals, this is cliterally ridiculous, 40 years old and 'addicted' to pot? wtf is going on in hereterry_cloth
    • That's your advice terry? Your poor gf/bfsea_sea
    • Your feigned concern for my personal life is adorable. No need to worry sweetheart. Yea, my advice is to put on your big boy pants and exhibit some self controlterry_cloth
    • Don't flatter yourself, no fucks given here about you.sea_sea
    • reading comprehension isn't your strong suit huh, or do you not know what the word 'feigned' meansterry_cloth

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