
Out of context: Reply #20393

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  • deathboy1

    The more I think about it it seems like Dewey's framework with education is coming to fruition. Almost every person leaving school is a subservient liberal.

    It really is kind of brilliant. Start early where there is a classroom and one teacher, the all knowing all deciding teacher. Your role in class isnt primarily to learn but to be conditioned to a single superior who rules the class, tells you what is right and wrong. Tells you what you need to know. Of course there is some chosen history even if it might be wrong. I do remember learning FDR was a hero. But the major point is mass condition with little competition for alternative teaching methods especially ones that grow individual interests.

    Than after 12 years of conditioning and learning how to placate the teacher with the answers they want to hear for pretty simplistic black and white things (cheating is probably the only creative problem solving exercise) you move on to college. Ever since the government got involved in backing student loans (which is where schooling costs started to drive upwards) you get blasted with everyone driving the idea higher education is a must. AA new incentive to sell creating artifical demand. Schooling and banks now have guaranteed money so they advertise and drive campaigns to sell you the message you have to have higher education and expand all kinds of programs that never needed higher edu for. Create minimums and new products like bachelors degrees, make mandatories like math for a history degree, and anyway they can squeeze a buck out of you. Hell they'll charge you even if your not on campus and doing an abroad program in places, than jsut tkaer hteir percentage off the top and giv ethe rest to the program. Building and expanding prestige and offerings and raising costs (similiar to hospitals). Setting up accreditations like wallstreet sets up credit rating agencies. Helping setup a mentality by those with degrees and loans not to hirer people without them. And since the gov helped make it all possible plus with old dewey stylings they preach a very liberal tone. Kids in college largely pick this tone up and condition it into their social standing and identity. Hicks and hillbillies are republicans, I went to school I'm a liberal and my teacher says this and I heard that and they're teachers or "experts" and "ninjas" so it must be right. Usually don't give it much thought or really care about it though in school. Might say something to try show a social conciousness and progressiveness to get laid. But doesn't really effect them until out of college or might never unless they become a business owner or a person who gets to see policy in practice.

    Now the reason I'm writing this is seeing a headline about UNR's dorm being 120% over capacity. Let me mention a few details to go with that. They have been building like crazy for awhile it seems, I know a few people who have jumped private and went public over there. Make more money do hardly any work, spend more time in gay, and safe space HR classes, and can basically be fired or quit and get year of pay. And considering tuition costs keep rising but demand is increasing more or as much is scary. Also know people going back to school to get a degree because that is suppose to mean higher pay.. (PHD vs real world experience ha!)

    And seeing that increase made me think of Dewey, and that his ideas seem to be working and growing. And that comment isnt on the high school kids going into college, but more the reasons why the number is increasing despite costs. The work environment and ability to be an apprentice at low wage. Uninspired youth who leave HS only trained to be told what to think and yet havent been told what to do, well accept go to college by people on pedestals. The propagandha you get paid more, you need it. Some privie kids who already on the liberal bandwagon who don't think they'll ever have to pay back loans and can just go party it up at school. Social pressures. Mandatories or recommendations on job posts. And some seeing headlines college people are more unemployed and still doing it. Almost makes you wonder how people did any job before college? And have to ask yourself why so many positions are still for junior and apprentice level stuff, why you couldnt have just skipped that stuff and started there at a lower wage. Get paid to learn vs paying to placate the person on the pedestal. Why isn't that sold as a smarter solution? And how all these problems derive from problematic central planning and conditioning.

    And than I thought of the future with an ever increasing populace in higher edu, paying higher fees, not really learning critical thinking but more of the same. Along side a world replacing many jobs for non critical thinkers with technology. Screwing over these kids by extolling the virtues of higher education while in reality theyre turning them into serfs at an increased rate. When they get out of school there will be no job for them as technology rises and they'll have a debt that bankruptcy doesnt protect against. They will now be indentured to any politcian that offers them a handout. Theres the leverage, the drug dealer on the curb gets the business sense of it with the hook and dependence. And here is the opportunity for any charlatan to offer the subservient masses with loaded debt an offer. No matter what like 99% of people will do the choice that helps their self interest, especially with a vote. Add to that arguement of authority and knowledge of how people act to authority like in milgrims experiments and you just see a downfall u cant really stop.

    Which makes me think of two things. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper. Simple enthropy. And chaplins speech as the dictator. Fuckin seasons of change. Guess its needed for all life. Sometimes I'm quite envious of fools.


    • Based on this I'd say education is more important than ever.monospaced
    • Well saidterry_cloth
    • @ deathboy. Mono, yes, just not the public education that we have today that churns out gender studies tards and the liketerry_cloth
    • I feel strongly that public education should be reformed, updated and gov. supported so that our general populace is better prepared for this changing world.monospaced
    • It's the long game, which scares away anyone in office who dares propose it, but I do believe it's the right one.monospaced
    • unfortunately, too many of those who are in favor of privatizing education are also those who are intent on destroying it: creationism, anti-science and -sexmonospaced
    • You lost me on the last stupid out of context bias rant.yurimon
    • @yuri - you a creationist as well?fadein11
    • I don't think he was responding to me.monospaced
    • education is very important. higher education is probably only necessary for less than 20% of people in it. primary education needs to be rethought altogetherdeathboy
    • opened up to private methods. imagine if you could uber school so you could go take non standard classes with retired professionals or people wanting to supplemdeathboy
    • ent incomes. who knows what people could come up with as better methods. and very well could produce better thinkers than current env.deathboy
    • gov steps out parents step in and get more involved. they choose with more choice. have to really rethink edu but gov has to get out for that to happendeathboy
    • unfortunately, a lot of private schools do this and end up teaching creationism and abstinence, fail in science and math, and end up with an unprepared classmonospaced
    • yeah your last comment reveals your bigotry. the issue is far from what you are saying. its already destroyed judging by current eventsyurimon
    • if I'm a bigot because I feel sciences should be taught in favor of the bible, then I'm a bigot, and so are >99% of all educators thenmonospaced
    • i'm not saying anything is destroyed, only that pushing for private schools and defunding public is a sure path toward itmonospaced
    • yea i get that mono, and im ok with that. despite rules people still learn that on sundays if they want. as far as behind that is only do to standardsdeathboy
    • usually to things the kids dont care about in the first place. theologians usually behind in chemistry. also i think it would put mroe individuals on pedestalsdeathboy
    • in various things, making people more skeptical and needing to think for themselves which of these experts are correct and whydeathboy
    • and i dont think there can be a centralized plan towards my end. just a slow pullback from gov control and letting people find what works for them.deathboy
    • firs thing they could do is stop subsidization fo higher education and backing student loans. make the banks responsible for the predatory loansdeathboy
    • if they give a kid 100k for an art degree let the kid go bankrupt and default on it to the banks. bring the market forces back indeathboy
    • bring responsibility back to all parties. of course there will be some problems, but much less damaging than the current ones for the whole sectordeathboy
    • the thing is no one person has a plan to fix it, you need everyone finding the little plans that work for them. just need to make that a possibilitydeathboy
    • I enjoy this discussion. I have to disagree. If the gov bails on the school system, some areas will crumble completely, and others will flourish.monospaced
    • Specifically, areas that are lower on the socio-economic range, and areas with a lot of minorities, would suffer the most.monospaced
    • i disagree. i think schools will be more efficient with distant learning. and non union rules that favor inefficiency.yurimon
    • how are minorities doing now? with 1 trillion in programs mono dude?yurimon
    • hasnt done much in chia townyurimon
    • they aren't doing that well, which is why I originally stated that the public schooling should be reformed completely, not abandonedmonospaced
    • im not sure id abandon the public schooling completely. if the government let the schools individually decide their own curriculum to the students.deathboy
    • i think it was like that before.yurimon
    • of course standardization goes out the window. grades become meaningless. which is good. when your told your dumb or feel dumb by a grade it becomes self fulfildeathboy
    • ling. there just is no way to standarize education, and only good reason to try is to create a subversient populace of like minds. dewey was smart, he just errodeathboy
    • red in thinking smart people would always be running the masses with no outside influence and ignored entrophy of such systems.deathboy
    • and yea mono we can disagree, thats what would be great about open education is we could all learn the ways we think would work or for our kids.deathboy
    • some of my buddies send there kids to waldorf schools and from my perspective those schools wouldnt work for me, but for their kids it might work.deathboy
    • just gotta at least be open, but that would kill standards and colleges and gov would hate it. and i just dont think politicians are capable of edu reformdeathboy
    • but i do have the idea of uberizing edu/babysitting. so many people have talents and knowledge, why not create place to offer them.deathboy
    • some people will teach traditional stuff, parents get involved help decide for children, let children get involved and decide more of what they wantdeathboy
    • it would be more like the village raising the child. could be good, but might be more expensive, might also allow poorer more opportunitydeathboy
    • its a thought i bounce around now and than, and think teacher unions would be sooo agaisnt itdeathboy
    • would also allow opportunities outside zoned school districts. more diversity and cultures. take it back old schooldeathboy
    • How was your foundation education, deathboy? Public school, quality, country? Do you have any higher education?monospaced
    • Basic. Boring. Graduating class of 90. Public. Only 1 AP which me and two valedictorian passed. I mostly have always done my own thing. US.deathboy
    • Went to college. Thought biology major. Didn't know what I wanted. Partied blew scholarships on bike parts and beer while racing for the team. 2nd year quitdeathboy
    • but im a self learner, a sponge on anything im interested in. the internet is such a boon compared to encarta and school libraries.deathboy
    • the only class that was interesting in college was a mandatory elective of history of jazz. worth the money? of course i wouldnt stand up and do an essay sodeathboy
    • that hurt my grade. I dont like public speaking. did that in my biology 102 class too of 200 and said nope fuck this i wont do it. and that was weighted heavydeathboy
    • think that was one of the class were interns tell you what pages to read and read over stuff, and i figured my time was being wasteddeathboy
    • and that i was perfectly content being the best forklift driver at a home depot and i actually like manual labor. somehow i fell into design workdeathboy

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