
Out of context: Reply #20348

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  • nb2

    The Washington Post is really laying it on thick, but Trump did try to publicly ridicule them, so he should've expected it.


    It's Hard To Imagine A Much Worse Pitch Donald Trump Could Have Made For The Black Vote

    "Look at how much African American communities are suffering from Democratic control. To those I say the following: What do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump? What do you have to lose?" he asked. "You live in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?"

    When President Obama won reelection in 2012, 93 percent of black Americans thought he was doing a good job. That's also the percentage of the vote he received, according to exit polls, beating Mitt Romney by 87 points.

    And yet, somehow, Trump is doing worse.

    In the battle between Trump and Clinton, he consistently lands in the low-single-digits of support from black Americans. In some polls, he has received 0 percent support, a negligible amount. In our most recent survey, he got 2 percent support.

    • He's right to point out Dems have controlled schools systems, welfare programs and crime bills which have been extremely detrimental to black communities.IRNlun6
    • Crazy how black people don't want to vote for the guy who spent years claiming the first black president was born in Africa. Who could have seen that coming?yuekit
    • IRNlun6, tough on crime bills were a Republican agenda going back to Nixon and Reagan. Dems like Bill Clinton played along but it was the right that pushed it.yuekit
    • Don't forget that time Trump was sued by the state for systematically refusing to rent property to black people.nb
    • I think we can all agree that BOTH parties have offered programs which have been detrimental to the black community. Blaming Democrats specifically is absurd.nb
    • Beside blaming dems for school systems, Trump's policy on education seems to be... wait... ummm... oh yeah, he doesn't have one. Pence fights for creationism.monospaced
    • If anything the Republican party wants to defund schools more, push toward privatization, and go backward in sciences. They want to ban sex ed too.monospaced
    • Those are all ways that have contributed to black community downfalls. All of which the dems are fighting against, by the way.monospaced
    • Many of these communities have been Dem controlled for decades and they still push for the same policies.IRNlun6
    • My biggest complaint with Reps has been war on drugs and their support for offshoring jobs through trade deals. Dems have a far uglier history in the US.IRNlun6
    • 1994 Crime Bill was championed by the Clintons which they've rightfully received criticism for.IRNlun6
    • Deflecting criticism from Dem controlled communities and continuing to promote the same policies changes nothing.IRNlun6
    • I agree nb both parties have been detrimental although there's policies that lead to economic disenfranchisement preventing communities from helping themselves.IRNlun6
    • There's nothing preventing communities from helping themselves right now. Welfare is optional, no one is forced to take Medicaid or food stamps.yuekit
    • Just because poor communities have not turned middle class under Dem leadership does not mean Republicans would be better. They could easily be much worse.yuekit
    • It could be that the actual solution is for the government to do much more, which simply isn't politically viable for either party.yuekit
    • American history shows that black communities did far better with less government intervention.IRNlun6
    • Even during the height of Jim Crow black families had more economic power, owned more businesses, and had stronger families ties than most white families.IRNlun6
    • American history and the ebbs and flows of cultures is an absolutely fascinating topic.IRNlun6
    • Really, better under Jim Crow? I'm sure conservatives have tried to make that argument, but that's exactly why they are getting 1% of the black vote.yuekit
    • Yes, really. That's not a promotion or a result of horrible laws, but rather a statistical reality of the black community at the time.IRNlun6
    • I don't know where you are getting that from, or how you could possibly compare one on one with today.yuekit
    • By the way, Michigan has a Republican governor, as does Louisiana. How are blacks and poor communities doing in those states?yuekit
    • We really don't need to speculate. Republican governors have already implemented the kind of tax cut policies Trump is proposing, and the result wasyuekit
    • an increase in the deficit, without much economic growth or help for poor communities.yuekit
    • There's plenty of info on the state of black families and economics in the 60s vs today.IRNlun6
    • Comparing the past with the present is a measure on whether policies should be deemed successful or failures.IRNlun6
    • Debt is a massive problem neither party is really confronting. I personally do not want to hand over more tax dollars to a bottomless government pit.IRNlun6
    • Searching "blacks better under Jim Crow" turns up a quote from the Duck Dynasty guy :) I'm not seeing any real evidence.yuekit
    • Which is why I've always been an independent. Don't want to enrich multinational corporations, don't want to grow government.IRNlun6
    • Today there is a black middle class, black people running Fortune 500 companies, none of that existed under Jim Crow or during the 1960s for that matter.yuekit
    • So do liberals get credit for that or only for the failures? I don't think you can draw clear correlation with specific government policy.yuekit
    • Look up black economics in the 60s and the breakdown of family. There's been a downward trend.IRNlun6
    • In absolute terms, everyone is better off. There's no comparison, even the poor people today own a smartphone etc.yuekit
    • It might be true that whites gained slightly faster than blacks in relative terms. But that's kind of the nature of capitalism isn't it, you would expect peopleyuekit
    • who already have access to money and capital to accumulate more money faster.yuekit

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