
Out of context: Reply #20277

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  • nb6

    "The failing New York Times has become a newspaper of fiction. Their stories about me always quote non-existent unnamed sources. Very dishonest!"

    At a rally in Fairfield, Connecticut on Saturday night, he said "the newspaper is going to hell."

    "Maybe we'll start thinking about taking away their press credentials," he said. "When they write dishonest stories we should be a little bit tough."

    Trump's crowd cheered.


    Trump's attitude towards the press is obscene. What's interesting to me – aside from the obvious comparison to history's censoring dictators – is how he has tried to brand the Times as "failing". He never mentions them without using the phrase "the failing New York Times". He says he hopes they'll go out of business, and soon.

    Isn't the Times one of the great American institutions? It's arguably the most respected and loved paper in the world. Trump would throw that all away, because he doesn't like what they write about HIM. Again he puts his own ego ahead of the benefit of the country. He would throw away a 160+ year old American business, maybe the world's best paper, and not because they have changed their mission or lost their vision. No, it is only because they write about him in an unflattering way.

    And what about all the people who work there? What about all the journalists, editors, photographers, advertisers, salesmen, truckers and countless others who have ALREADY lost their jobs because of a struggling journalism industry? Do those jobs not matter? Are those people not Americans in Trump's eyes? He keeps saying he's going to get everyone jobs. What about those jobs? Are they not important? Instead he's up there, gloating that the Times is going to fail, and now even go to hell.

    To hell.

    (Side note: as Trump has said, he's a devout Christian. Most Christians believe hell is a literal place, where people are actually sent for eternity. And that's where Trump wants the newspaper to go.)

    Lately he's added to his speeches that he really likes Fox and he thinks Fox is doing a good job. Ok, I understand why he likes Fox: They prefer him to Hillary, Fox is easy to digest, they don't ask viewers to think for themselves, and you don't even have to read. Fox News is perfect for a man of Trump's stature. And that's fine, he can like it if we wants.

    This is the kind of thing that makes me think Trump is a joke of a candidate. He would happily see the New York Times fail, destroying thousands of jobs and forever silencing a relevant part of American discourse. All because his precious ego can't take a little criticism.

    • TL;DR: Trump is a baby.nb
    • It's easier for him to fabricate this scenario where the newspaper and its reporters are stupid liars than to accept the justifiable criticism.monospaced
    • If he keeps telling himself it's not true, he preserves the bubble of "truth" he and his flock feel safe inside.monospaced
    • @mono: Exactly. What will happen if he's elected and has to deal w/ other leaders, the UN, press, etc criticizing him every day? How will he react?nb
    • Does he have any idea what it will be like to be president? Does he think it will be similar to running his business? Because it won't.nb
    • If he thinks it'll be like sitting on a gold chair in a gold room telling a bunch of "yes men" what to do all day, he's in for a big surprise.nb
    • He would angry tweet at them on Saturdays. Say he wants to punch them in Sunday's. Apologize or explain it was sarcasm a joke on Mondays.monospaced
    • nytimes is pretty much leftist leaning. all main stream papers, news can be fact checked in real time. its pretty embarrassing in they are more editorialyurimon
    • words are sometimes leading opinions in subtle ways and sometimes too obvious.yurimon
    • damn nb, did you write all this? the nyt has obviously not written favorably of trump, he obviously looks at them as a political enemy, why does any of this surterry_cloth
    • -prise you. 'nyt times is great, fox sux, blah blah blah'terry_cloth
    • Yes, I wrote it. Did you read it? My point has NOTHING to do with media bias. I'm not saying the Times is perfect, nor did I say that Trump should like them.nb
    • My point is: Trump would rather have an entire prominent news agency and thousands of jobs destroyed just to protect his ego. He'll never be president.nb
    • I guess thats worse compared to the alternative of 500k dead from instability in the mid east. good call. lolyurimon
    • #ignoreyurimonnb
    • Yuri_Cum_Cloth....th... dumbest and most ignorant people on QBN.utopian
    • at least i don't lie about soldiers with missile launcher for internet attention like your drake emulating selfterry_cloth
    • Terry's getting froggy!monospaced
    • Actually, I was having a conversation with nb untill the chronic masturbator came through spamming his usual bullshitterry_cloth
    • dont worry about mono, he never could ditch his cig habit so he had to find a new addiction which in the ghetto we call it "riding the D"yurimon
    • fuckkng yurimonospaced

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