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Out of context: Reply #2783

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  • face_melter1

    No Man's Sky is legit amazing. Started on a planet and immediately began to take damage from radiation - ok - nothing like impending death to make you quickly understand the coloured-coded material system. Collect yellow items = prevent death. Cool. Next. Collect red items to recharge various things. Sweet. Collect blue materials to regain health. Got it.

    Ooh. What's that? A question mark on my scanner. Guess i'll head towards it. But wait - there's a cave with stuff in it. Hold up, there are some weird looking animals over there... Now my ship is repaired and I can go into space? Fucking yes. But what about the cave and animals? Space / animals / space / animals... SPACE!!! Blast off through the clouds and into a asteroid belt with some cool-looking freighters. You can shoot them and collect materials? On it... Oh fuck, it's the space cops!

    Yeah. This, only after an hour or so, is the fucking tits. The pure joy of exploring not only planetside but the galaxy as well - be as aggressive or benign as you wish, spend 14 hours or 14 minutes exploring a planet because, y'know, there's like another 400 billion of them.

    • remember Spore? Promised the same revelations but delivered only mundane repetition.dorkKn1ght
    • way more than 400 billion, 18 quintillion:

    • Spore was garbage from the off and didn't let you shoot robots, climb mountains, engage in off-world space battles or explore a galaxy.face_melter
    • It was a rubbery, Play-Doh version of Little Computer People.face_melter

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