Out of context: Reply #21

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  • antimotion0

    Hey crew - I just started getting into C4D. Literally opened it a few weeks ago. I feel like a 2 year old trying to drive an F1 car. The program is insane - in a good way.

    I stumbled upon a render engine called Octane - it looks super sweet and I think it will really help me understand what I'm looking at when I push all these fancy buttons - but, I'm on a mac with an AMD card and they don't support.

    Are there any other dope render engines that would provide the same fluidity, free, fairly cheap?

    I've also heard of Arnold, but it seems like a pretty heavy fee...

    BTW - thanks for all the inspiration from you 3D cats - so FKN good - can't wait to join in!

    • if you're just starting, seems to me you should figure out the built in engine before moving to a third party one.johnny_wobble
    • Yeah. You should understand how physical rendering works first before jumping into a new engine. The principles carry across - sunlight, environments, cameras.face_melter
    • Depending on which version of C4D you have, its own Physical Render system is pretty good straight out the box.face_melter
    • It doesn't matter which engine you use, you still need to put in the work to make the results look good. I use Vray and after 4 years I am still learning thingsface_melter
    • Don't mean to sound all Negative Nancy - these things *are* complicated and it takes time to pick your way through it all.face_melter
    • Thanks for the notes - yep, definitely trying to get into it - easy to get lost with this one haha..antimotion
    • Yup, it can seen overwhelming at first. My advice is to either follow tutorials or set yourself a simple project - that way you learn workflow and operations.face_melter
    • When I teach people, I take them through my work process - from importing geometry to final render. Each stage has defined steps that build upon the last.face_melter
    • The internal render engine in C4d is pretty great IMO. It's all I use. My approach has always been to focus on image making instead of fancy plugins.baseline_shift
    • Yes, the Physical Renderer is great but it is slow to the point of being unusable very often. Try using motion blur or depth of field without a render farm.CyBrainX
    • Totally... Or blurry reflections, etc. That's why I keep my setups so simple.baseline_shift

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