
Out of context: Reply #19960

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  • IRNlun6-3

    An Open Letter to Khizr Khan


    • This article is simply incorrect.
      Trump DID call for banning all Muslims.
    • It's amazing how his supporters continue to try to pretend this didn't happen when he is on video saying it.yuekit
    • Plenty of people understand the context of his statement. The left wants to keep pushing the idea that Islamic terrorism has nothing to due with the faith.IRNlun6
    • Which is just as ignorant a position as every muslim is a terrorist.IRNlun6
    • DNC uses this father as a prop, who no one knew or knows anything about other than him being a muslim and losing a son in combat. Cheap political games.IRNlun6
    • The article calls Democrats "disingenuous" for saying Trump wants to ban Muslims. When in fact he did exactly that. The press release is still on his website.yuekit
    • It's such a dumb policy that even his supporters can't believe he actually proposed it apparently :)yuekit
    • Yes, and it's preceded by a very specific context of Islamic terrorism, a specific part of the world and until there's a better understanding of the problem.IRNlun6
    • Dems want to hang on to one specific statement without acknowledging any clarifications or even his statement that it's not in reference to an entire faith.IRNlun6
    • They just want to push the idea that Trump is a bigot for their own political gain. Keeping people ignorant to a very nuanced and dangerous problem.IRNlun6
    • Cmon man, how completely upside down can you frame things? Trump did propose complete ban, and it was done to pander to the far right in the primary.yuekit
    • There's nothing admirable about proposing an unrealistic policy in response to a real threat.yuekit
    • Anyway I was just pointing out the absurdity of your article calling liberals liars for accurately describing Trump's policy.yuekit
    • You can take this as pandering but it's a break from the established position that refuses to acknowledge simple pattern recognition.IRNlun6
    • Trump may have called out all Muslims, but being that he's a strong advocator of upholding constitutional rights to American citizens.omg
    • It would protect the Muslim-American citizens under the same constitutional blanket.omg
    • It absolutely protects Muslim Americans. His statement is specific to immigration, in a time of war.IRNlun6
    • "being that he's a strong advocator of upholding constitutional rights"
    • IRNlun6, the people dealing with these issues of terrorism are not ignorant of the source of the problem.yuekit
    • he's supposedly the "law-and-order candidate." that's got his followers shooting from the hip on the 2nd amendment.omg
    • They certainly know more about the realities than Trump, commenting based on what he sees on TV.yuekit
    • It's just that there's a smart way of dealing with complex, difficult issues like this and a stupid way.yuekit
    • Contrary to the far right's version of things, the problem is not caused by "political correctness" and isn't going to go away just because you elect someoneyuekit
    • who poses as a strong leader.yuekit
    • I think if Bernie possessed the same magnetic personality that Trump has with the media, Sanders could have had a carried his revolution over the top.omg
    • Clinton spent $80 million on advertising. Even though Trump is a billionaire, he only needed to throw down $20 million to get the same amount of followersomg
    • So he can't really be all that dumb as he makes himself out to be.omg
    • Like Bernie, Trump's strings aren't pulled by big corporate like Hillary. That should be a good thing for people, unless you're a big fan of corporate rule.omg
    • He is taking donations, so if you buy the idea that donations = influence, not sure if that's really true.yuekit
    • Which then you're not ready to be unplugged.omg

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