
Out of context: Reply #19668

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  • monospaced6

    “The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”
    —John Adams

    • Christian Values
      New York Values
    • "But I won the evangelical vote."monospaced
    • Hence the first amendment. Settlers as well as revolutionaries where escaping religious persecution as well when rejecting the British monarchy.IRNlun6
    • The GOP seems to not understand any of this. Complete disrespect for one amendment and die hard for another.monospaced
    • That's always been the biggest turn-off for me for the GOP. I think it stems more from pandering to the Evangelical vote rather than articulating shared values.IRNlun6
    • Values like respect for family, ethics, culture which is shared across many religions. To much effort for our corrupt politicians.IRNlun6
    • They shoot themselves in the foot like with gay marriage for example. Could have easily settled for civil unions but got caught up on my bible my jesus...IRNlun6
    • ... forcing the supreme courts hand. Then GOP politicians pandering by claiming there's an attack against their faith.IRNlun6
    • The whole anti science thing is devastatingly stupid too.monospaced
    • Yea, the creationism in schools bit is ridiculous. There is an assault on Christianity though, it's coming from popular culture and pisses off vast swathes of tterry_cloth
    • -he population. This type of open rebuke against traditional values in popular culture is the main reason trump is the nominee right now, the lash back againstterry_cloth
    • The status quo has created a second lash back of equal measure of fanaticism, the only difference is that it doesn't align with your own social agendas having bterry_cloth
    • -een art school socialized to be elitist narcissistic creative typesterry_cloth
    • Creationism is an easy target. I'm more concerned with the anti science in general on a subtle level that leads to conscious rejection of the obviousmonospaced
    • the kind that would consider climate science and scientists as part some elaborate hoax, or defund NASAmonospaced
    • or one that might even keep children from embracing the sciences at all, regardless of faithmonospaced

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