Official Android Thread

Out of context: Reply #194

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  • sted1

    Any security experts here? Really I need some serious help...

    I don't dare use this device, because It doesn't appear to be a safe device, but have to. And I have no idea what to do.
    Malwarebytes and Avast mobile scan solutions aren't showing any issues but I want to know that this rom clean or not and that I will be able to install a stock android system on this device

    • go to XDA and look for the phone page - a very good chance there will be a page dedicated to it with custom roms and development.face_melter
    • that's where I started :)sted
    • and found nothing... :(sted
    • It looks like your usual cheap-as-hell Chinese trap phone. The rom is probably ok, just customised. But why do you *have* to use it?face_melter
    • bought it for travel, so I don't have to take with me my regular phone. I had no problems with it, but yesterday received a phishing sms and began to worry :(sted
    • wouldn't that just mean the # is out there? Prepaid phones I"ve had recycle numbers so often you get strange calls/textsformed
    • Yeah, having odd txt messages won't do anything unless you tap a link or open an attachment.face_melter
    • Yeah I know, but the thing is that I have this number for 8 years and never received any of these messages. Got some help to uninstall and filter some crap.sted
    • But as it was pointed out on xda these phones have built-in spyware, and closed kernel so it's almost impossible to tell what's going on, or revert it to stock.sted

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