Game of Thrones

Out of context: Reply #1098

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  • SteveJobs-2

    Great episode! Though I could have done without having to suspend my disbelief that Jon Snow could have actually avoided every single arrow that crossed his path. There were several scenes like this one!

    • It's Jon Muther-F'in Snow! Arrow's can't harm him! ^_^

      Great scenes though ey.
    • I think theres an understanding that theres no fucking way anyone else would have survived that and its "destiny" he did right? Love the part where he duckssofakingback
    • Melisandre protection lvl1sted
    • questioning the believability of a tv show called game of thrones. lolzzzCygnusZero4
    • he resurrected, so there's definitely higher/weird forces moving things around..ESKEMA
    • sted, I'd considered that, although she'd attribute it to the god of light which would make this plausible I suppose.SteveJobs
    • Isn't that the back bone of every religion? If its good our god did it. if its bad our god did it for a better purpose to come. And now you're the chosen one..sofakingback

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