Out of context: Reply #10

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  • exador13

    i dunno....

    seems to me I've seen articles, threads, predictions, hoaxes, 'reports' etc etc....for YEARS on fema death camps, secret illuminati stuff, one world government, yada yada...

    been semi interested in conspiracy theories for most of my life...
    mainly as entertainment....they give you that creepy 'what if' feeling... used to read about them all the time..

    anyhow, to get to the point...

    i started reading about all that stuff in my early 20's....

    I'm 44 now.

    none of it happened...none.

    the seas didn't run red.

    the world didn't end.

    shit happens....but i don't give a whole lot of credence to it any longer....and even when i half was half i was mainly for the entertainment aspect of it all....

    you get older, you raise your begin to realize that there's a whole lot more value in living life and enjoying your family than there is to worrying about shit like this in your secret underground layer ;)

    • x-files is now documentary,battlest... galactica is the history of humanity (ancient aliens), tom cruise is a priest
      nothing special happened in the prev 20years
    • I think over all how its presented and how events turn out are not always recognizable in how the original info is presented. sometimes the progression takesyurimon
    • longer, but you can see the direction with events until a point of no return. most likely people could live in what already fortold and still think it hasntyurimon
    • happend yet.yurimon

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