
Out of context: Reply #19333

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  • i_monk0

    It's too easy and lazy to point the finger at mental health, radical Islam, immigration, or basic homophobia. Other countries have these problems too; but in those countries you can't walk into a Walmart and buy an assault weapon. There have been over 130 mass shootings in the US so far this year.

    You have a gun problem.

    • Blaming Americans and our constitution is not an effective way of dealing with Islamic terrorist who just killed 50+ people and wounded 50+ more...IRNlun6
    • https://d.gr-assets.…Ramanisky2
    • I guess McVeigh, Kaczynski, and the Weathermen can be forgotten about then. Cool.face_melter
    • you guys never look at stat details. i used to be surprised that so called people who support scientific methods cant get around to look at a problem whereyurimon
    • plenty of information is available in detail. but insist on repeating fallacies over n over again.yurimon
    • More like an education, wealth inequality & systemic racism problem. Which is exacerbated by easy access to weapons.ben_
    • Who in part is blame for it ben? guess...yurimon
    • Everyone.ben_
    • You're looking at a handful of non-gun-related killings in the last 20 years, ignoring the DAILY shootings of 3-50 people. You've buried your head in the sand.i_monk
    • i was like you but looked deeper. crime has been going down for the most except in places of gang/drug war. europe treats drugs use as a medical condition.yurimon
    • but there is combination of social conditions mixed with policy that is responsible. you can track from as early as the 50's economic conditions direction ofyurimon
    • poverty reduction by year until late 60's -70's policies n the effects up until now. but look at gun crime stats with increase of gun sales its not going up.yurimon
    • you really have to be specific with every issue. some places crime has been reduced with increase conceal permits.yurimon
    • Between 2000 and 2015 US gun sales increased over 200%.i_monk
    • https://www.washingt…i_monk
    • ... and gun violence since the 90s has dropped drastically. http://fortysixnews.…IRNlun6

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