
Out of context: Reply #63336

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  • sted1

    Friday is rotfl day
    Today morning I was on a meeting with a client who accepted the designs and gave the green light to send the stuff for print production.
    And now, an hour ago called me saying that he will forward an email about some bad news and I have to deal with it.
    shaking hands, sweat, symptoms of an upcoming nervous breakdown, while constantly refreshing my mailbox.
    Email arrives from the client after 20 mins, I opened it and WTF?!%

    The printing house in Germany sent to the client a message with offensive tone on our joint project.
    Telling him the sad news: that it is possible that they can't meet the production deadlines, because I didn't sent them the materials to start the work !this week on Monday. And they are very worried, because it's Friday and this delay affects the accepted proposal, and offered graphic design support for a modest price :F

    I sent them back two screenshots from the contract what they signed and I got from the client before we started.
    First one was about the transfer of the source files, describing clearly that they should send FTP details one week before the production starts. (I can't find that message)

    Second one was the agreed-upon deadline:
    2016 May 27

    now we wait :D
    /whoever calls me Lazlo in an email should suffer in pain/

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