Show some recent work

Out of context: Reply #6680

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  • GeorgesII1

    This is pure nerdgasm and I'm quite proud of it,

    What you are looking at is a pocket webserver, run on a 5v and can finally run CSS boilerplate,
    when booted it acts as a captive portal (like the one you see at McDonald, etc),
    you can broadcast anything you want the world to see in a range of 20 mt (I'm laughing because I can already see how to misuse this tech eheheh)

    • ElaborateHayoth
    • ^ Ah the beauty of the English language. Is he telling you it's intricate, or is he asking you to further explain yourself. No one could possibly know.
    • I just bought this! Trying to hook it up to artnet and LEDserr
    • yo Err, let me know if you succeed, the 8266 is a fantastic beastGeorgesII

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