
Out of context: Reply #19117

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  • deathboy0

    Mono to bait i was refering to this.

    "I expect no less than 35 more side notes from you, and AT LEAST 2 new posts, 200 lines MINIMUM, on the subject within the next hour. If you don't, you fail." maybe not referring to me but I cant help call it bait since im doing exaclty what u wanted.

    You disagree with me but can you explain why one group should have the special ability to discriminate against someone? I haven't heard any reasons for it besides that you disagree. Im just trying to understand reasoning.

    Take the case of the OR cake scandal. Why should a gay couple be allowed to force their beliefs on a private business? What happen to the rights of the business owner to refuse service and how is it any different than no shoes no shirt no service? You seem to be hung up on the religious aspects when it is much broader than that in philosophy, the groups are merely variables.

    And curious how you would respond to the hypothetical Trump case above and a hypothetical transgender person feeling discriminated against in a restaurant that only had 2 bathrooms, would u support their lawsuit?

    • That was directed at drake-von-drake, not you.

      I can explain, but I already know you don't agree, so it's fruitless.
    • Thing is, you know exactly what I would say, so it's fruitless that way too. Personally, I agree with the laws protecting this kind of thing. That's that.monospaced
    • hasn't this guy been banned yet?monospaced
    • Well I think you don't have any sound non-contradictory reasoning. To be honest. But I can be wrong. I'd actually like to hear it if you would humor me.deathboy
    • happy to if this were some other forum, but you and I both know that certain factors impacting this site would hinder that severely *ahem* *points < >*monospaced
    • personally, I'm reaching the point where I'm considering not coming back here because of themmonospaced
    • ha. well if you ever do write it I'll read it.deathboy
    • agree this is a poor medium for such discussions with unnamed distractionsdeathboy
    • im sorry, i only post to share info. you are the only one i know so far on here that will comment without a review or stay on subject.yurimon
    • everything seems personal. so i dont know why you are so afraid of certain ideas or facts.yurimon
    • We'll see.ORAZAL
    • it's because you say idiotic shit exactly like that which reminds me that I'm conversing with a mouth-breathing troll with delusions of grandeur andmonospaced
    • 4th grade writing abilities.monospaced
    • thanks for proving my point, assholemonospaced
    • I dont know what you are talking about. I post pretty good vids on arguments. deathboy was really articulate and clear in his explanation. you are the only oneyurimon
    • that has been reacting immature for the most part in having a tantrum in presentation of good arguments or facts. its like you have an allergy to facts.yurimon
    • what would be refreshing is if you articulate an argument that would defeat or disprove what was presented in the same manor as deathboy etc.yurimon
    • nothing personal but i think you just get upset in absence of your willing to have an open mind or be proven to be wrong when you have predisposed ideas alreadyyurimon
    • yuri von muntDrumpf
    • and yurimon is obviously confusing me with someone else or just arguing with one of his split personalities. hard to tell behind his articulate pointsmonospaced
    • its pretty simple. no matter how articulate an argument is or a disproof of one of your fallacy beliefs, such as in deathboys explanation of the intent ofyurimon
    • lc law, was not against any community like most reactionaries to news but to protect people from litigation in business if they dont want to bake a cake. whichyurimon
    • you still find a away to avoid you being wrong. thats all. it seems that when you get a knowledgeable response to your ideas, you act out like a child.yurimon
    • best thing to do is prove wrong, give facts or just ignore.yurimon
    • You are an idiot and a lying troll. Keep going and just keep ranking up yourself as the most reviled member here. Keep it up moron.monospaced
    • Hypocrite is what you are. Talking about facts when all you do is paste conspiracy videos and shit from fake Fox News inspired bigoted crap.monospaced
    • When anyone disagrees with you you go on tangents about consciousness and other made up shit clearly linked to your obsession with aluminum foil.monospaced
    • Perhaps if you could communicate at a level higher than potato then people might listen to you. We all know that's not possible since you're a drooling idiot.monospaced
    • So yeah keep requiring this place and crying like a BITCH when nobody listens, the mods warn you and you're downvoted constantly. Take a clue asshole. leave.monospaced
    • ^ no facts detected. can you make an decent argument or just rant with stereo types which are not facts btwyurimon
    • core of the issue was the lc law was to protect people from predatory politically correct fascists prevent compulsion.yurimon
    • can you count to potato or are you just an idiot troll who likes to call people fascists as if he just learned the word but doesn't know what it even means?monospaced
    • maybe someday you'll realize that you're just making this place worse for most peoplemonospaced
    • so enjoy the down votes and being ridiculed constantly by everyone who just wishes you would shut the fuck up already and screw off forever.monospaced
    • you won't be banned and you'll never sway anyone so you must be either a fucking mental case or just absolutely too stupid to realizemonospaced
    • ^ lol. dude get a life. dont read my shit, dont reply, change the channel. how mental is that?yurimon
    • Get off my lawn. ignore me mono. please. thanks.yurimon
    • Hahaha. Not as long as you follow me around talking shit and posting shot about me in this site. Not gonna happens you stupid piece of shit.monospaced
    • you and trump have alot in common. btw.yurimon
    • You two love birds going at it again?terry_cloth
    • Won't stop, don't stop. They got rid of their thread, even.ORAZAL

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