Out of context: Reply #62

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  • PonyBoy4

    When you downvote something that has no downvotes you're left at -1 which is correct... but you can't 'get rid' of your downvote... you're forced to upvote even though you just wanted your downvote to go away...

    Maybe I was a bit harsh w/my downvote and I'd like to take it back... but that doesn't mean I want to upvote.

    Here's what happens:

    No downvotes = 0
    I downvote the count now = -1
    I take back my downvote by hitting 'upvote' and instead of returning to 0 the count goes to +1
    Shouldn't the count just return to 0?

    Just cuz something turned out to not be truly a downvote in my dark cold heart doesn't mean I wanted to upvote... maybe I just want to take my downvote away. :)

    • Or Take away down vote all together. You can only up vote and retract your vote but no down vote.pango
    • Even thought it's fun to down vote every one of Terry's post. Some other people are bit sensitive.pango
    • haha... meany
      But yeah... I like your idea of killing downvotes altogether and allowing a retraction of your UV if you like

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