
Out of context: Reply #62686

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  • BusterBoy0

    Family and I were at the beach a few weeks back. Kids and I decided to go for a walk to the Pier which was at one end of the beach. Lots of kids jumping off it into the water...which I found a bit scary as it's pretty shallow.

    We get just past the life savings club and this little girl comes running in from the water screaming "he can't move...he can't move his legs". Kids and I were a bit worried at that...we saw a young bloke being cradled in the water by some people.

    Turns out this young kid had dived head first and hit his head on the sand. Life guards bought him in on a stretcher right past us...poor kid.

    His parents arrived and were clearly in shock, not really having any idea the enormity of what had just happened.

    That was the last I heard of it...until this morning. Heard this young boy's story on the radio. Talk about was actually the kid's 8 year old sister who had raised the initial alarm.

    Anyway, he's now a quadraplegic and has been in hospital since the accident. Major problems with his lungs and his lfe and family's life has been absolutely shattered. One single moment of not thinking has had some huge ramifications.

    The family has setup a Facebook page - plenty of messages of support. Even Steph Curry and Peyton Manning have sent messages of support...amazing for a young kid in Melbourne Australia.…


    • fucking hell—watch your kids :( My dipshit parents (love them—but they were dumb when they were young) failed to watch us often—i fractured 6 vertebrae...PonyBoy
    • ... falling out of a tree... I'm lucky to be vertical. I spent 6 months in a body cast and another year in a body brace and am still in therapy for it at age 39PonyBoy

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