Boycott Beyonce

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • sofakingback0

    Im not really into this whole BLM thing. Black people have been getting killed unjustly for years. Nothing new there.

    So to me, this seems very straight forward. They're getting fuckin blasted on and are tired of it! lol.

    I love how white people have turned this around about them.

    "Don't white lives matter too?!?!!?" Well, yes. As a generic statement all lives matter... to someone...

    but right now white people are not getting killed for simply walking down the street with a hoodie on. So this whole BLM makes sense to me.

    Now, when the time comes to kill white people randomly, it will makes sense to have WLM. Or if cops are getting gunned down on the street, then we can have a tyler swift concert video for them.

    My question is, what about BROWN LIVES?!?!?!

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