Graphic Design is dying

Out of context: Reply #72

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  • obey_pdx3

    This topic is such a loaded debate... Sorry, but I am definitely going to agree with Ben99...

    1.) Portland and Seattle design firms have dropped their rates significantly in regards to paying designers in the past 5 years...
    2.) Staffing agencies dominate all job postings... Why? Because companies no longer hire full-time employees, especially designers, especially at the rates they once were (both figuratively and financially) - it's per project and little to no benefits >>> this saves them money and this is the model that continues to thrive >>> temp works and contractual workers over full-time employees
    3.) Bad design is everywhere, it has been and will always be - people are marginally getting better and software is getting easier to use - this creates way more "pseudo-designers" and way less "serious clients"... They come to expect mediocre and are shocked by what true and talented designers charge.
    4.) "Coding" has replaced "designing"... People often try to convert designers into coders... If you can do both, you are much more valuable. This "lessens" the role of a typical designer...
    5.) Marketing and design has and will always be the first thing to get cut in most corporate environments unless it's the core business need.

    You combine those factors (amongst several others) and you have what most markets are experiencing today >>> an oversaturated market where everyone is a designer, yet there still only are a few really good designers per city

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