Graphic Design is dying

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • monNom3

    I'm going to just repeat what everyone else is saying. Design is not dying. The market for visual design services, and communications strategy is probably larger than it's ever been. Every company has an Instagram these days, along with a voracious appetite for new content to feed it. Who's going to fill it up with images, that stand out and attract followers, if not a creative?

    As for Wix et al. That's not your market anyways. It's not even a design service. It's an assembly line product. People get tricked into thinking the product is what they're buying when really they want expertise.

    You don't go to a doctor because he sells you the same prescription he sells everyone else. You got to a doctor because he knows what to ask and what to look for so that you get the right prescription for your needs, and then you get better.

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