
Out of context: Reply #62140

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  • sea_sea0

    So I just saw a good friend of mine post from a city a few miles from me. I went ahead and asked when we could get together and first thing she does is tell me she's in Mexico. Hmm no doubt as one gets older some people just fizzle out of existence. She went on to tell me this elaborate lie, so random and weird, considering all she had to say was she didn't have time. Must admit it made me a little sad, so weird. Good riddance.

    • Or you can believe that the GPS on her phone got stuck at different location. so you won't have any bad feelings towards her.pango
    • I don't Judge people on lying, i judge people on intention. and without truly understanding the intention, i try not to ruin friendship before that.pango
    • For the longest time facebook thought i was in japan. And google map thought I was at neighbor city...pango
    • Thanks pango, you're right. Thing is she's posting pictures too, lol I just don't understand the need to lie, I'm really ok with her not having time..sea_sea
    • I guess I respect you more for being straight with me that is all. :psea_sea
    • Cuz lying is easier more efficient with arguably same result if got away with. We all lie on the daily bases.pango
    • If not worth it, no need to confront people's lie. :(pango
    • *coming from a straight up person who learn it the hard way. being right doesn't always win...pango
    • Instagram? I was thinking that the GPS is stuck too. It happens with my phone all_the_time, sometimes my IP shows up in Philly, haven't been in yrs.bklyndroobeki
    • Could you ask her, "Btw, are you in _______? Or are those older photos that you are posting?"bklyndroobeki
    • I'm not into confronting people unless I have to. She has her reasons I'm sure and it's fine. It was on FB and posted numerous updates including pics..sea_sea
    • Answered questions about her being in USA to some people. So I'm sure she's here. Like I said, it's okay if we can't get together, just weird to me.sea_sea
    • Can't help question things I suppose. We've been friends for over 20 years, it's not just an acquaintance. Either way, I still love her.sea_sea

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