What Gig Wouldn't You Take?

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • yurimon3

    If you have a moral burst of judgement and not to work for a company but the other decisions and actions in your life is in direct hypocrisy to your decision. you have to reflect your whole life basically and your direct or indirect, contribution or relationship to the world mess.

    its like saying, I steal but I recycle, type attitude.

    • cool story broscarabin
    • http://i.ytimg.com/v…utopian
    • wake up sheeple!moldero
    • ^ can some one guess what these 3 commentators have in common?yurimon
    • Where on Earth's the moral equivalence, or otherwise, between stealing and recycling? That's somewhat specious.detritus
    • its an example of moral inconsistency society faces each day. if you look at the list of companies that use prison labor.yurimon
    • that would be considered immoral to do so in light of the profit motive to incarcerate people for privite prison partnership with the state.yurimon
    • So if you refuse to work for oil company for fossil fuels emissions and then go to drink coffee at starbucks that uses prison labor. how are you golden n moral?yurimon
    • is there such a thing as selective morality? or hypocrisy?yurimon
    • we must all do some evil. but we should avoid what evils we can and hold true to our values.sarahfailin
    • obviously it has led us to this type of dysfunction, then it doesnt work. generations of laying in bed with these whores has given us scabbies. nah sayin broh?yurimon
    • what he's saying is that if you don't like something you have to not like everything. an asinine and extremoist PoV whose only purpose is to try and shit onscarabin
    • people in this thread. nothing newscarabin
    • hehe extremoistscarabin
    • no broh. im not saying like or dislike. ok. laws of cause n effect dont work like that nor due rules of morality on a mass scale. the outcome already showsyurimon
    • that the ignorance of the culture, laziness, greed, has produced a po po state. effectively putting you into worse position and disenfranchising you from youryurimon
    • heritage. so just boycotting one company for work while patronizing others is not going to really dent or create the moral conditions for change or make better.yurimon
    • if all of our shit was on point and we were moral in collective action then our shit would be shinny n on point. we would not have these problems if we were inyurimon
    • our own power. ok the results are in. ok you fackin up broh. not worky worky mkkay? cause n effect is in effect.yurimon
    • sorry that was fo effect in the end.yurimon
    • slow down and form a coherent thought. what it looks like you're saying is that turning down one gig is somehow pointless and that we should turn down all gigsscarabin
    • or that certain gigs shouldn't even exist. please use your words and explain this coherently because it sounds fucking idiotic.scarabin
    • I dont see why its so hard to understand that if you do a moral act in turning down a job but your personal life is filled with patronage to corps.yurimon
    • that either pollute the environment, use slave labor. thats its morally inconsistent behavior.yurimon
    • its no diff then catholic girls who say they are not sinners because they are virgins but give backdoor access. you make you fun of that logic, right?yurimon
    • example. I boycott monsanto at all costs because they are evil, but I go to starbucks who use prison slave labor.yurimon
    • but then again: http://naturalsociet…yurimon
    • what does being morally consistent require? reflection of your life and how you effect the world through your actions or non action. right?yurimon
    • dont like the word moral? ok.
    • or http://www.etymonlin…yurimon
    • Yurimon doesn't even kill bacteria or step on ants because he is pure and moral. You've got to draw the line somewhere.monospaced
    • yuri, your whole silly hypothesis relies on the assumption that 1. you know anything about my entire moral system (which you don't); 2; that the act somehowscarabin
    • disagrees with that system; and 3. that you know anything at all about my personal life (which you don't). bottom line is you're simply trying to act like youscarabin
    • know shit, but you don't.scarabin

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