Global Warming

Out of context: Reply #387

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  • GeorgesII-7

    be weary of article that use words like "might have been" then when you read the article nowhere does it explains where they have pulled the 4000 years of,

    in the sidebar it reads

    "It was the hottest June-July-August since detailed record-keeping began in 1880"

    then clickbaiter proceed to say

    "Planet Earth has definitely experienced its hottest summer since detailed records have been kept, and according to scientists, it might have been the hottest in more than 4,000 years."

    so it's 4k years or not, cnn is really reaching with the clickbait

    here's the noaa report, which isn't too hard to understand,…

    so noaa states

    In Canada, Ontario had a record warm September. Temperatures were above average by up to 5°C (9°F) across the province.
    [no time period given]

    The United States had its second warmest September on record, with a temperature 2.1°C (3.7°F) above the 20th century average. Record and near-record warmth spanned most of the country, with nine states in the Northeast, Midwest, and Southwest record warm.
    [no time period given]

    The September temperature for Norway was 2.2°C (4.0°F) higher than the 1961–1990 average. This marks the sixth warmest September for the country since national records began in 1900. Parts of northern Norway and Trøndelag were 3–4°C (5–7°F) warmer than average.
    [115 years record, nowhere near alarmist]

    It was the coldest September in Spain since 1996, at 0.8°C (1.4°F) below the 1981–2010 national average. Some areas of northern Spain were 1.5‐2.5°C (2.7–4.5°F) cooler than their monthly averages.
    [so it was the coolest in spain, in 20 years]

    The United Kingdom also had a September temperature that was 0.8°C below the 1981–2010 average. England and Wales each observed their coolest September since 1994.
    [coolest again]

    so they are reporting anomalies, but anomalies will only stay that, anomalies. if you can't give a timespan longer than 120 years, how can we honestly say these are anomalies?

    • Are you drinking swamp gas again?utopian
    • I noticed that global warming accepters don't ever read the article they link, so so sad. but it's ok, to say this was the hottest summers sinceGeorgesII
    • the pyramid were being built, it's so ludicrous it hurts, this is why I linked to the actual source the article was based onGeorgesII
    • btw how do you drink gas utopian? ehehheGeorgesII
    • Don't let the warmists get to you Georges. There socialist agenda will be exposed soon enough. Upvoted.rouncey
    • *Theirdetritus
    • you lost my respect george... there I was thinking you were a proper Candadianhotroddy
    • it's all a ploy to put pressure on china who is currently going trough an industrial revolution. it is a very convenient stance to take considering we don't rel
    • rely on coal anymore. not sure where these indignant lemmings get off trying to make it a partisan issue though

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