responsive css grids

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  • mekk1

    I also use my own grid with a few extras, such as a javascript that writes "desktop", "tablet", "mobile" and "horizontal/vertical" in the body class to adjust them later. I also extended a box that has a few basic setups for images, such as size (1by1, 16by9 etc).

    It's pretty solid and all I need for basic boilerplates.

    You can have a look at the CSS here:

    And this is my very basic body function:

    I am starting with bootstrap and less (a bit late, I know) but the more I use it the less I understand those frameworks. They're massive bloat imho.

    • looks good, horizontal/vertical behaviour is something I need to think about more. and I couldn't agree more about front-end frameworks.wanda
    • Agree about the bloat. We have our own bare bones, internal framework and then customize beyond that with established conventions.ETM
    • Still easy to pick up and maintain. Much more nimble and compact. Nothing there that isn't applicable to the site or app.ETM

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