
Out of context: Reply #36

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  • _niko3

    this is pretty much every pro-gun nut. I've never heard a valid point or argument from any of them.

    • because you are basically lloyd's intellectual peer and even if you did listen you wouldn't understand any of itgilgamush
    • you're right I don't understand "because freedom" ad nauseam_niko
    • case in point, you are an idiot and only hear what you want to hear. you would give away any constitutional right if the government told you they would keep yougilgamush
    • warm and safe. you have the mentality of a child and that's perfect, the government want's you to look to them as your parent. typical lemming mentalitygilgamush
    • lol first of all we don't have the same government, second, is your foil hat standard issue or home made?_niko
    • http://media.giphy.c…pango
    • pango's gif pretty much sums up how you sick puppies feel about the shooting tragedies here in americagilgamush
    • should tell you something when we invest so much time and effort into caring for your well being when you yourself don't._niko
    • what are you trying to insinuate. can you try to make a little bit of sense every once in a while. so you laugh and clap at tragedy because you care huhgilgamush
    • jesus man, you are a special kind of dimwitgilgamush
    • Oh noes. Gun tragedy is not entertaining at all. Not one bit. But argument here is gold.pango
    • nobody is laughing at tragedy you idiot, just your tragic situation. You can't figure out why these things keep happening over and over again which is laughable_niko
    • the world is laughing at you and you don't know why._niko
    • the rest of the civilized world that seems to get by fine without guns. Though I guess we're all oppressed by our tyrannical governments_niko
    • and you haven't given anyone a single valid reason for being pro gun. do so and i'll shut the fuck up._niko
    • your smugness is indicative of a very small level of personal growth, that paired with how poorly you present your ideas makes me have very little interest in egilgamush
    • explaining just about anything to yougilgamush
    • at least i present ideas. you name call and sidestep all questions. You present no arguments, just troll._niko
    • not smug, and for the record, since you're mister fucking know it all, I'm a gun owner. I use firearms to hunt._niko
    • "nobody is laughing at tragedy you idiot, just your tragic situation."
    • "You can't figure out why these things keep happening over and over again which is laughable"
    • what is the idea you have presented. that you are having one hell of a time yucking it up over there, others misfortune and suffering is amusing to yougilgamush
    • not other's misfortune or suffering but at the comical aspects of your gun culture and how you place blame on everything else except guns._niko
    • I think though that your situation might be fucked up beyond repair, much bigger issues than guns, and i'll never fully grasp it. it's sad really._niko
    • My cousins came up from Indiana a few months ago and it was the first time that they had gone somewhere without their guns and it freaked them the fuck out_niko
    • they were being paranoid freaks and wondered how we could walk around without protection...which totally blew my mind._niko
    • I told him that you can walk in any neighbourhood at any time of day or night in the city and feel safe. That's civilization._niko
    • Yes yes, you are so much more civilized, you look down on us unenlightened and laugh and jeergilgamush
    • < so basically you are admitting that you are an idiot to the public. good to know.yurimon
    • Yuri are you talking to me or formedgilgamush
    • Whoops i meant were you talking to me or nikogilgamush
    • Have you guys figured out that as soon as someone starts to name calling, the argument doesn't go anywhere any more?pango
    • lol this is really fun to watch.pango
    • pango, kid you should tweak your internet personality to be more the guy in this video. peep game…gilgamush
    • no.pango
    • yea, be more like him. a lot moregilgamush
    • pango staysmoldero

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