Shooting of the Day

Out of context: Reply #1499

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  • iCanHazQBN2

    I always hear "Guns don't kill people, people kill people".

    Of course people kill people. So then why do we allow people a tool thats sole purpose is to do it with such efficiency? That's precisely why these weapons needs to go away. People kill people.

    A scenario (for people like Gilgamush who keep saying "guns are just inanimate objects" — as if because they're "inanimate" then they must be harmless. But they're actually fairly animate considering bullets comes out of them):

    You're in a large room with a mentally unstable person, or someone who's just really enraged at you. There's a gun in a cabinet in the far corner. Do you...

    1. Try to talk with him? Reason with him? Ask him not to go for it? Tell him about the bad mental healthcare system in America? Call a psychiatrist for him?


    2. Run and try to get the gun before he does?

    Of course #2. You take the gun (the tangible and real object) out of the equation.

    You say we need to take care of the mental issue problem in this country. Well sure, we need to help the mentally unstable anyway. But behavior problems are an ongoing problem since the beginning of the human race. It's not just an American problem. Unstable people are born every day. Their brains are wired wrong and there's no way to know how stable someone is. And even if someone isn't diagnosed as unstable, there's no way to stop an enraged asshole from shooting someone in the heat of the moment situation. Behavior is unpredictable. A gun NOT being there stops these people from ACTING on their mental instabilities and doing harm to others with deadly efficiency.

    • If you piss off an aggressive person you will meet bodily harm, so what's your point dumb ass. You are so stupid mangilgamush
    • Yeah dummy head! You dumb dumb.monospaced
    • nukes don't nuke people, people nuke peoplemoldero
    • But gilgamush, I'd rather face an aggressive person who DOESN'T have a gun, rather than an aggressive person who DOES have a gun.iCanHazQBN
    • It's really mind-boggling that you can't wrap your head around that concept.iCanHazQBN
    • There are different degrees of bodily harm. One could be a fist fight and you get a black eye, and another is a bullet to the head.iCanHazQBN
    • I don't know how much more clearly I can explain this to you.iCanHazQBN
    • If we remove the gun from the equation, confrontations become a lot less lethal.iCanHazQBN
    • So instead of a headline reading "20 people shot and killed", it's "2 people stabbed".iCanHazQBN
    • So what's your stance, that nobody should have guns right. Well too fucking bad, that isn't going to happen. Move on and let us attempt to find a realisticgilgamush
    • Approach to combat the problem. Or would you rather just spew platitudesgilgamush
    • Guns don't kill people. People with guns kills shit tone of people.pango
    • Gilga, after my post, all that you have to say is: "Well too fucking bad.. you're not taking my guns".iCanHazQBN
    • I think that pretty much means you have zero rebuttal. And it's very telling for the real reasons you want your guns...iCanHazQBN
    • ... because you just want them.iCanHazQBN
    • no, it's because you have no point. you just go on and on about how they should be banned. we heard you, you fucking idiot, and it isn't ever gonna happen. thegilgamush
    • only reason you prattle on your sick bullshit is because you enjoy reveling in how fucked up america is. you are a plain and simple america basher spewing pointgilgamush
    • bullshit with the intention only to stir up some shit. go choke on a dickgilgamush
    • Criticizing our own country's obvious problems is considered "bashing it"??? LOL.iCanHazQBN
    • And I can't choke on a dick. I have no gag reflex. They just go straight down my throat.iCanHazQBN
    • criticism with no attempt to help fix anything, because you revel in the hysteria like a sociopath, is bashing, yes. and i doubt you live in the u.s.gilgamush
    • really it's more like sadism than sociopathygilgamush

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