
Out of context: Reply #61687

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  • autoflavour0

    GAH! 2 dodgy guys just buzzed our flat at 12:30am, of course i ignored it. but i went to listen on the intercom anyway. they managed to get in, then sat around in the hof, in the dark for 10 minutes.. and then tried to steal a bike. we called the cops, who arrived at the exact same time as they dodgy guys were leaving with bike in hand.. cops stop them in hallway, but the dodgy guys dumped the bike before leaving the hof, and even though they had all the tools to steal bikes, had no reason to be inside our building at 12:30am and generally were sketchy as fuck, the police did not catch them actually stealing a bike, so they are let go.

    the police guy was nice enough tho..

    • good blog post.iCanHazQBN
    • what would Ronnie Pickering do?yurimon
    • Hall of Fame?_niko
    • lol yuri_niko
    • Get on your man shit and tell them to fuck off http://s3.amazonaws.…gilgamush
    • And what's hof. I tried but he internet won't tell megilgamush
    • *thegilgamush
    • Just think, if you had a gun you could have blasted them to fuck and protect your family and liberty and way of life from a pair of bike thieves.face_melter
    • Yes a gun would have been the only right solution.monospaced
    • Or instead of listening at your intercom for twenty minutes going down their and telling them to leave from the get gogilgamush
    • But you won't because there are two of them and you are scared. Guns are the great equalizer, so yea, wouldn't matter if there were five of themgilgamush
    • wtf are the police for?

      If I need an operation - do I buy scalpels from WalMart and do it myself, or entrust it to a professional?
    • if you have trained with a gun than yes, you are better off having and using one in an emergency than waiting the 3 minutes for the cops to arrive. a lot of tergilgamush
    • terrible things can happen in 3 minutes. so yes, if you have done some emergency triage training you ought to have a suture kit etc. handy should the situationgilgamush
    • arise. seems like a no brainer to me. this isn't minority report, the cops only come after the shit has hit the fan, they can only react, not prevent. preventiogilgamush
    • fuck that shit, i live on the 4th floor.. I'm not walking down 4 flights of stairs to tell 2 weirdos to get out of the courtyard at 12:30am..autoflavour
    • im lazy and not stupid. my bike is in the apartment..autoflavour

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