
Out of context: Reply #61646

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  • cbass990

    I'm one of two people in my office who likes sports or being active. There are 12 of us...and that kind of boggles my mind. I get strange looks if I mentioned that I went for a three mile run or that I play hockey on the weekends. I have no problem with people who are not into it, but find it kind of odd.

    When growing up, did these people just stay inside all day playing video games..? Isn't it good to get kids outside and have them be active? I'm one of the older people in my office, so maybe things have changed..

    • It's been said that ppl spend an accumulation of 13-16 years watching the tube and BSing. You're spending it outside and on QBN :D - I'd say it's good!bklyndroobeki
    • ps. What kind of hockey? The real deal or field?bklyndroobeki
    • I understand that feeling. I also can't comprehend how a person can live without breaking a sweat every now and then.VectorMasked
    • And it's like people in this neighbourhood know me as the "guy who exercises".VectorMasked
    • bklyn - the real deal.cbass99
    • vector, no kidding! i get thatcbass99
    • A while back this incredibly obese dude went to the office to see his friend... he was like "wtf!? why would you even do that?" when he heard me say I was...VectorMasked
    • a little sore from a 15k run the day before. It's just sad. That guy is not gonna make it past his 40's.VectorMasked
    • nice cbass :) *bucketlistbklyndroobeki
    • Stay home and watch netflix, play video games, eventually jerk off? why not?pango
    • I literally hate fat people. No I do not accept them.iCanHazQBN

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