Do you need to code to be a designer

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    Designers should learn CSS, HTML, and have a basic understanding of data binding and other bits they'll see in HTML.

    Unless you are generally interested in programming, leave that to the developer. Aside from the view part of Angular, it's no different from the role of a backend developer. It has nothing to do with aesthetics, and everything to do application architecture.

    I've seen some absolutely horrendous Javascript wrote by "Front End Devs" who lacked to basics of good development skills. Nested if statements 6 layers deep, database queries in the controller, 1000+ line scripts that should have been broken down into 5 different services.

    It's no one's fauly per se, but designers should be designing, and not have application development tacked on just because it's in Javascript. "Front End" development is software development. It's programming, just like building a backend api.

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