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Out of context: Reply #2146

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  • GeorgesIV-2

    RIP Marcy,
    Her testimony about a big explosion in the lobby was totally ignored, just like the explosions reported by firefighters and policemen…

    • Fuck off Georges...BusterBoy
    • why would I?GeorgesIV
    • Gee, there were explosions in buildings that were engulfed in jet fuel. Who woulda thunk it.BusterBoy
    • Plenty of documented evidence of explosions directly caused by the fires.BusterBoy
    • lol buster, I literally have no time to waste on people that still believe a plane crashed on the top floor, had a huge fireball, then somehow the jetfuelGeorgesIV
    • trickled down the elevator shaft, not igniting until it reached the ground floor to cause massive explosions, lol, this is so ridiculousGeorgesIV
    • ooh I also forgot that while it was trickling down, it was ignited and hot enough TO MELT THE FUCKN STEAL BEAMS on it's way down... sighGeorgesIV
    • Bla bla bla derp bla conspiracy bla bla. Hey look out behind you Georges...they're coming to get you.BusterBoy
    • Anyone that seriously believes a conspiracy this big is possible is truly out of their mind. But go ahead...paste your typical "you don't understand" garbageBusterBoy
    • It's silly when adults ignore basic science because they prefer to label people nutjobs, 14 years and people still believe the official story.. lolGeorgesIV
    • there were thermite charges in place to prevent the towers from dropping sideways. not the first attempt. measures were in place to minimize loss of lifegilgamush
    • no gilgamush, it was jetfuel igniting the top floor causing them to topple on each other like pancakes and bring three towers down on their footprint,GeorgesIV
    • One thing I never understood about these theories, WHY would they pretend to crash a plane into a building and also blow it up.yuekit
    • If there was a conspiracy surely it just involved hiring terrorists to crash planes into the building.yuekit
    • And anyone halfway competent would not be leaving clues behind in the event itself for internet detectives to theorize overyuekit
    • can't tell if serious. my explanation makes perfect sense does it notgilgamush
    • ukit, this debate is tiring, instead of always talking about the official story, let's just discuss how two planes hit can bring down two towers this size onGeorgesIV
    • on their own foot print, if you can prove me it was jetfuels, then I will waste time discussing the terrorist angle, but until we speak about the science,GeorgesIV
    • I'm not against questioning official story, just get tired of people dwelling on all the supposed inconsistencies as if there is going to be some smoking gunyuekit
    • Use common sense, what would the point have been in secretly blowing up buildings you were already going to fly planes intoyuekit
    • well if you tell people that most major cites have skyskrapers that are rigged for a controlled demo in the case of a terrist attack, they might freak out a bitgilgamush
    • comon sense ukit is not realizing that this would trigger the start of the war on terror, why can't you see that simply blowing building is less effective thanGeorgesIV
    • flying planes into them, causing the population to experience fear they've never experience before and nudgingGeorgesIV
    • them towards the war on terror and the patriot act and to defeat your point, imagine the explosive were brought down just by demolition, imagine the publicGeorgesIV
    • asking how a goddamm man from a cave in afghanistan can organise a team to put charges around the building without getting caught, can you imagine the chaos,GeorgesIV
    • planes were more convenient for the simple fact that they have a higher shock value,GeorgesIV
    • Cmon, it's silly to think that either crashing planes into the towers or blowing them up wouldn't have been sufficient.yuekit
    • false flag or not, the demo charges saved countless lives. the terrists have been hijacking planes for 20 years, this was not all that surprising to the dod. sagilgamush
    • And in fact terrorists did try to blow up the WTC 10 years earlier
    • saying the us government facilitated the hijackers is neurotic tin foil hat shit thoughgilgamush
    • follow the money. there was a benefit factor. history is full of false flags to help bring in desired policies or wars. nothing new, but your tin foil.yurimon
    • Also have to look at the mathematical probability of a pilot flying at 500mph to hit those buildings without a computer.yurimon
    • Didn't look like 500 mph to megilgamush
    • All I'm gonna say is if the people at the top can't keep their dick pics from getting out, how can they keep anything from getting out.robotinc

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