Art Bell Midnight in the Desert

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • fate1

    PonyBoy, John B Wells has a show called Midnight to Caravan, it's pretty good.

    The more you listen to Noory, the more you realize he is checked out most of the time. He asks the same questions to every guest, he rarely leads or contributes to the discussion. It sounds like he's got the same stack of index cards that he reads night after night. I never get the sense that he is passionate or has any points of his own to add. You don't feel like you're listening to an interesting conversation, but rather George reading off the questions in order.

    Noory also has an awful habit of butchering the English language-common sayings, turns of phrase, even just mixing up words completely. He does it every single night and it's annoying. Because you want someone intelligent at the helm, and Noory can barely make sense at his worst.

    There is a 2000+ page thread of hate for Noory over here:…

    • i cant really listen to him. to much of go along.yurimon

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