Its Happening

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • 33 Responses
  • ernexbcn0

    We can consider agriculture a form of technology, one that definitely changed society. The same processes are happening with modern technology and the tech that's yet to come.

    Oh but no, it's clearly some powerful people pulling the strings of a big conspiracy. For fucks sake.

    I managed to find in Google an image of these secret meetings:

    • The Angels will destroy us all.face_melter
    • Asuka won't let that happen.ernexbcn
    • but you dumb fucks will.yurimon
    • yurimon is not a part of the society that will let this happenmonospaced
    • god QBN, get it together! we have to stop the Illuminati! why do you think we started this forum in the first place?!sarahfailin
    • yurimon you can always go live to the woods, unplug from everything including the internet. Grow your own food and all of that.ernexbcn
    • Assuming your theories are right, I don't see what can we accomplish by watching theorists rambling on YouTube, enlighten me please.ernexbcn
    • everyone will reap what they sow collectively. basically. so that how it works.yurimon
    • And you are sowing what exactly?monospaced
    • the seeds of loveernexbcn
    • Mono is scared of the truth.yurimon
    • You're the one who's scared... you're posting this shit. And then you act like you're not in the same boat because you have some perceived insight.monospaced
    • Yet you refuse to share that insight or how you're any different. You do deserve the ridicule, I am only trying to help you not start a raging fightmonospaced
    • Im not the focus of this topic. so i dont even know why you post because you have no interest. you are completely ignorant and some its relevant to you whatyurimon
    • I do. You want to start figuring out what to do. start talking about solutions. go ahead talk.yurimon

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