Wisdom Teeth

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  • rabbit0

    5 years ago dentist suggested i get my wisdom teeth out cause they were badly decayed, i left it cause money and cause pain.

    Last week it starting hurting like all hell out of nowhere, like damn that was painful. I was almost fainting from the pain.

    So i went to a dentist and she tried to pull it out, with no luck. She said I needed to go to an oral surgeon, as they needed to cut away at some bone to be able to pull it out WTF.

    So im freaking out for a week in the lead up to my day of surgery, they put me under twilight IV anaesthesia and local anaesthetics. The actual pulling of the tooth took about 10mins, it was a totally totally painless procedure for me.

    What IS annoying and uncomfortable and at times a little painful is this slow recovery. I am over eating soft foods, but have learnt that the following are good in recovery from a wisdom tooth extraction:

    scrambled eggs - No pepper
    banana and milk smoothies
    mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes
    soups with no bits in em (miso + tofu good)
    homemade applesauce
    mashed banana

    I am now 72hrs in and I believe the threat of dry socket has substantially reduced. I have not smoked cigs ( i took it up again in Jan after 2 yrs not one drag) I had no intention of quitting, but dentist ask I quit before and after procedure, im on day 10 now with not one drag :)

    I will go until Tuesday and then light up. I might even sneak one in before then, I had no intention of quitting this year.

    In any case, the procedure was not at all as bad as I thought it would be.

    I could hardly feel the tiny pin pricks for the local, just closed my eyes, the IV i did not feel at ALL. I had to ask them if they were serious when they said they removed it.

    Pain was at 4-6 out of 10, painkillers (ibuprofen and paracetamol) have been the life saver.

    72hrs in, off the antibiotics tomorrow, and the painkillers, onto pro-biotics and hopefully the mend!!

    One thought - I have recently been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, I do wonder if the constant attack on my immune system via my rotten abcessed tooth was the trigger for my auto-immune disease. I will update in the future to see if I feel any positive effects. :)

    All in all, go and get your damn tooth pulled if the dentist says you need to. I put mine off for years, and in the end it was harder to pull, because it had rotted away in the meantime. Go get it done NOW, you are only making things worse for yourself, the procedure really isnt that bad at all, tell them you are anxious and you would prefer twilight anaesthesia.

    Good luck.

    • I took the probiotics while taking the antibiotics... oh man this is going to suckbklyndroobeki
    • huh? why?

      I just took probiotics today, day after last amoxil

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