
Out of context: Reply #580

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  • yuekit1

    Consciousness -- the internal dialogue that seems to govern one's thoughts and actions -- is far less powerful than people believe, serving as a passive conduit rather than an active force that exerts control, according to a new theory proposed by an SF State researcher.

    Consciousness, per Morsella's theory, is more reflexive and less purposeful than conventional wisdom would dictate. Because the human mind experiences its own consciousness as sifting through urges, thoughts, feelings and physical actions, people understand their consciousness to be in control of these myriad impulses. But in reality, Morsella argues, consciousness does the same simple task over and over, giving the impression that it is doing more than it actually is.

    "We have long thought consciousness solved problems and had many moving parts, but it's much more basic and static," Morsella said. "This theory is very counterintuitive. It goes against our everyday way of thinking."

    According to Morsella's framework, the "free will" that people typically attribute to their conscious mind -- the idea that our consciousness, as a “decider,” guides us to a course of action -- does not exist. Instead, consciousness only relays information to control "voluntary" action, or goal-oriented movement involving the skeletal muscle system.…

    • I went to a lecture on this topic recently. Very fascinating that a lot of our decisions are made before we are aware of them. Instinct?monospaced
    • Yo Mono. How does the decision get made? i.e. what influences the choice to go right or left if no concious choice is made?Morning_star
    • The brain processes a ton of information before it even reaches the "conscious" part of the brain. Study after study show most decisions are made before we act.monospaced
    • A conscious decision IS made, but studies indicate it's not actually a fully conscious one since our subconsciouses are doing nearly all the work.monospaced
    • Brain subconsciously processes images and variables related to going left or right, along with pre knowledge on subject. THEN it gives you a conscious choice.monospaced
    • I like robotsyurimon
    • I sense sarcasm and/or skepticism; does it bother you, yurimon, that we ARE very much like machines and systems?monospaced

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