Texas.. Dumb

Out of context: Reply #39

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  • mg332

    ^ RE: Ted Cruz.

    This is too long for a note. The main problem with Ted Cruz is that he bills himself as a "strict constitutionalist," yet he advocates for more religion in politics. That makes no sense.

    I'm a Christian, and I believe believe that religion has absolutely no place whatsoever in politics. It says as much in the Constitution. Cruz, and many other Republican candidates, constantly pander to the religious extreme in the GOP because those are the people who vote regularly.

    And it's funny, because these kind of people are afraid of a half-white man being president just because of what color his skin is, but they're perfectly comfortable supporting candidates who say they will make certain political decisions because of what an unprovable entity tells them. That's the thing; I'm a Christian, but I've perhaps become a bit more agnostic as I've gotten older. Nobody can prove God exists, which makes it incredibly dangerous for politicians to say they'll base decisions on what God supposedly tells them.

    The other irony I find with Cruz is that he's praised for being a lawyer and for having attended Harvard by GOP followers because that makes him smart, yet you'll regularly see GOP followers lambasting Democratic who are lawyers - Obama included - for being elitist, Ivy League educated lawyers. You can't have it both ways.

    He's just another walking contradiction. One of the absolute worst people we could ever have as president. He'll go on and on about wanting government out of people's lives, smaller government, etc. - but really wants the exact opposite. Look at his trying to overturn gay marriage; an obvious example of limiting freedoms and using government to do so.

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