Pay to Learn Design?

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • SigDesign0

    I tried the Lynda thing for a while when a company I worked for gave us free access.

    Honestly, I found more useful tutorials just by searching via google/youtube/vimeo...

    Usually you have a problem you are trying to solve and really just need a nudge in the right direction, not a comprehensive tour of a program.

    Lynda's comprehensive approach is good for people who haven't ever used the program (whatever you're learning), so that you can get a good feel for the concept. If you already know what the software is supposed to do conceptually, then what you really need is a specific approach to a common or uncommon problem. The latter of which is usually best found by searching in very specific terms.

    • I find Lynda useful if I want to learn a certain advanced tool or technique within a program that I already know.monospaced
    • Ever learned something brand new on it?bklyndroobeki
    • I tried After Effects and gave up.monospaced

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