Branding books

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • pinkfloyd0

    So branding is the perception, personality, gut feeling about the company. How would I translate that into a logo? Choice of font, color and style. What else is there to it?

    • It has nothing to do with logos.monoboy
    • I know, but i'm working on a logo for a brandpinkfloyd
    • I'm looking for practical ways in creating a logo that shows it's brand.pinkfloyd
    • If you know their values, proposition, tone of voice, offer and business goals, it should spark an idea. It's really hard without, just guess/styling work.monoboy
    • P.S. Logos don't really matter. It's more what the company does and stands for or is synonymous with that counts.monoboy
    • also, check what the competition has and stand out, be bolder, similar but differentuan
    • Let's say you were to create a logo for a luxury brand. How would you begin? I guess i'm looking at other logos to see what's out there. What else would you do?pinkfloyd
    • Yup. good research. Use colours and styles that stand out in that market. Explain why the product is different with excellent messaging. Luxury brands = emotionmonoboy
    • typography. sublime kerning on. detail.uan

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