
Out of context: Reply #60898

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  • scarabin16

    i've been upvoting people getting downvotes. i'm like a voting superhero for the downtrodden.

    except for yuri

    • < upvoted youcbass99
    • jk yuri, you know i love youscarabin
    • You are no the only one.pango
    • Weird, i do that too out of pitty, guess were just trying to keep it positive around here or somethingmoldero
    • Love QBN!moldero
    • Each time we hit Upvote or Downvote, it creates energy for the MatrixBen99
    • lolscarabin
    • hahamoldero
    • yup we're the upvote crewsea_sea
    • God bless you digital meter fairies...god blessSteveZissou
    • I basically been upvoting every yurimon and georges post. I'm all for cuntery in the name of humour but the relentless downvoting is pointless and humourless
    • I downvote stupid posts routinely. It just so happens the overwhelming majority of them belong to yurimon.Continuity
    • Testament to the level of sheep consciousness still rampant here.
    • No need to upvote georges. He loves the down vote.pango
    • Want less downvotes? Maybe stop acting like a self-righteous, condescending prick.Sep
    • Good tidings to all!
    • +1 SepContinuity
    • +1 Seppango
    • Downvoted, because I like Scar,

      go wonder!!
    • Im still busting up @ "except yuri"moldero

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