
Out of context: Reply #60881

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  • georgesIII0

    I've seen videos of cops shooting innocents, stomping on presumed guilty citizen, trowing flashbangs in cribs, killing people in the wrong house, shooting dogs, imprisoning innocent for years, planting drugs, stealing money from stops, stealing drugs from stops, raping the people in their custody, tazing people for asking questions, trowing people in jail for asking questions, arresting people for feeding the poor, pepper spraying peaceful protesters, never prosecuting multiple offenders because they have money,

    but that fuckn pic of the of the guy on the other side of the world I couldn't give two fuck about, is making me enraged,

    what a bunch of savages

    • i know. i'm speechless. When i said it was the dark side of humanity, it is.Ben99
    • what pic?pinkfloyd
    • this post is worthless without pic.iCanHazQBN

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