
Out of context: Reply #121

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  • CygnusZero4-3

    Watching the behind the scenes on the bluray, they really got hung up with the robot design and got stubborn about it. Its really shitty and stupid looking, but they were so determined to take on the challenge and make it work when they really should have come up with some different designs.

    Reminds me of the original star wars when you would see R2D2 trying to walk instead of roll, and he would just rock back and forth inching along. Its 2015 Nolan, there are better ways to do this. Shoulda just done the whole thing as CGI. You can really tell when the guy is pushing it along in the walking scenes. It looks really silly.

    • Given Boston Dynamics stuff, yeah, but I think taht was the point, no? Keep it dumb simple, referencing older sci-fi movies, even 2001.formed
    • All makes it feel more surreal. Kinda silly, but I think it worked overall.formed
    • I think its mostly 2001 in base story line minus few things. I think the robots are designed to make it more retro looking? monolithic like 2001. proportionsyurimon
    • maybe the same as the monolith cubeyurimon
    • Right, probably a design choice. I forgot about the monoliths, you are right, directly referencing those. Probably a lot more subtle references here and thereformed

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