
Out of context: Reply #60790

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  • iCanHazQBN2

    When someone sends you a link to something you've already seen earlier, don't say "Oh I just saw that". Respond like it's the first time you've seen it. The other person won't feel as useless. It adds nothing to their day knowing that you've already seen it and they won't be impressed that you saw it four days ago. They're just trying to pass along something they though you might enjoy. But if you say "Awesome! that was great", it makes them feel good.

    • Awesome! this is great! tnx!!uan
    • I'm already doing that :)benfal
    • Great post, haven't thought of that ever!pinkfloyd
    • Good timeline.pango
    • so sexypinkfloyd
    • Knew this alreadyset
    • I don't care if you knew this already. That's the point. It's for the people who don't know it already. And if you knew it already, you wouldn't have made youriCanHazQBN
    • comment. Think about it! :)iCanHazQBN

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