The Cimate Change Poll

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • nb1…

    Here is some evidence, Set, with references. Now, let's see some of your "evidence" that you keep talking about but never show.

    • "Climate change is happening on every planet in the solar system" - set2002
    • set has been to other planets and other solar systems so he knows2002
    • http://www.livescien…yurimon
    • ^Your evidence is an article with one scientist saying humans are contributing but aren't the sole contributor while another scientist said "Nonsense"? Lulz.nb
    • There are other articles admit to climate change in the solar system. It was expected for them to go limp with bullshit about the causes. they dont know.yurimon
    • you are going to have go bit more on this one then you little consumer self buddy.yurimon
    • Lol that's not evidence that its caused by humans? And it doesn't even mention the other planets. Derpset
    • That's evidence of climate change, a fact no one here is denying. If you're going to try and argue at least know what you're arguing about. Lolset
    • nasa vs set2002
    • Nasa says planets are heating up, they dont get into causes at least in public debate bro..yurimon
    • NASA says the same thing I'm saying. Are you winding me up or are you really that thick?set
    • Set, NASA is not saying that other planets are heating up as fast ours. You're dead wrong, go back and read all the information they have on Venus' climatezarkonite
    • NASA's data is showing very long (aka normal) timescales for everything. Our planet heating up noticeably in a century is a brand new phenomenon, as is such azarkonite
    • rapid rise in CO2.zarkonite

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