OS X Yosemite Beta

Out of context: Reply #110

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  • jagara0

    Tired of updating OS'es. I update when there's a need to. Which is when my current OS stops getting updates. Updated from Snow Leopard to Mavericks a few montha ago. No plans on updating until Mavericks stops being supported.

    New OS usually involves various hassles with unsupported software, plus machine runs slower because of increased load on the hardware.

    Rarely worth it.

    • Yes, but it's worth considering that an older OS might have security vulnerabilities. A minor concern, but still..... Also, I find that with OSX each version has made my computer run faster, not slower. At least since Leopard.nb
    • The older versions shouldn't be more vulnerable, as long as they keep getting security updates?jagara
    • The security updates aren't necessarily 100% secure. It's reasonable that Apple would spend less on security for older versions when they want you to upgrade.nb

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