
Out of context: Reply #60716

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  • set0

    Project manager asks me last night to come in an hour earlier for a team meeting, so I get up an hour earlier and it costs me £25 instead of £16 to get into London. As I'm walking to the office I get an email saying that the meeting has been scheduled for the afternoon.

    Not only that but I get in and ask WTF and feigns responsiblity for it and implies it was the director who rescheduled, so when the director gets in and I ask him WTF, the little shit project manager pipes up and says "it wasn't him that rescheduled, it was ME" implying that I'm some kind of idiot.

    For the sake of office atmosphere I'm biting my tongue on this one, something I'm not particularly good at. Hopefully I can get over it before I kick the shitcunt down the stairs.

    • are you always so emotionally intense? I'm starting to worry about your health..yurimon
    • lol I see you're bitter at my constant acknowledgement of your ferociously poor communication skillsset
    • but to save your worrying, my over exaggerated anger is an expression of my humour, if you missed that.set
    • nay. I dont care boot that.
      seems like you have alot of emotion pent up. might start slapping mates at the pub.
    • Mony a mickle maks a muckle!
    • exaggerated anger for dramatic effect. ic. so you cant be taken seriously online because you are insincere?yurimon
    • you are raised in England? i always had impression you had Scottish ancestry or something..yurimon
    • We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairnsyurimon
    • Lol calm down there mr psychoanalysing a forum personaset
    • What do you suggest for my problems? Help me Yurimon. Help meset
    • Help me with your knowledge stickset
    • lol, let me know when you get some sincerity mr Mcsarcasmic mmmkay..yurimon
    • kset
    • What the fuck are you two on about?pango
    • Yer talkin mince, Ne’er cast a cloot till May’s oot aye!!!yurimon
    • I think yurimon's had a strokeset
    • your granpappy called, wants you to learn scottish you ingrate :)yurimon
    • I've really hurt your feelings haven't I, hahahahahahaset
    • no thus the smiley face, use your Scottish powers to discern how people ruffly joke around in Scotland n still be friends. you havent seen brave heart for fucks sake>yurimon
    • Hahahahahahaha brave heart. That movie is Shiet!pango
    • I feel your pain, set. This kind of thing has happened to me, where the bureaucratic of the office make you "bite your tongue."monospaced
    • And similarly, as you know, I have a hard time keeping quiet, so the rage burns for a little while. Smoke a bowl, we're not that different really.monospaced

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