Logo Design for Shares

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • monNom0

    Is there a market for these "shares"? What's their value? how would you trade them for money in the future?

    Most businesses fail within a couple of years. Most businesses that do not fail don't ever get to the IPO stage... that might not ever be their goal. Most businesses that IPO don't go on to become the next google/facebook. Most businesses that IPO need so much capital to get to that point that your initial equity will be diluted out of existence by subsequent funding rounds.

    So basically, those shares are worth nothing today, and probably nothing tomorrow. Consider the work charity and do it if it's good for your portfolio/future business opportunities. The shares are a lottery ticket, nothing more.

    • Also, most stocks are never worth more than a few cents or dollars at best.ETM

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