GTD setup?

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • Peter0

    > Things for tasks
    Omni outliner for altitudes
    Mindjet for mind maps
    Boomerang for ticklers
    Apple calendar


    I always feel extra old when I'm reminded how much I'm in the dark when it comes to the tools people use today.

    Altitudes? Ticklers?

    Kind of like how the elder generation approaches computers now. Press the any key? Where's the any key?

    Then again I know a myriad of tools to "get shit done" doesn't necesserily equals being able to do shit. One can still be lazy, and some old dinosaur like me are fine using a piece of paper + a pen.

    But as people get more specialized the more collaboration is of concern. As such these tools turns vital, and we'd better catch up lest we dinosaur want to turn obscure. So the solution is simple:
    - work at an agency learn wtf a tickler is.
    - Work for yourself, don't give a shit about wtf an altitude is, and fuck you kids get off my lawn.

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