RIP King Abdullah

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • GeorgesII0

    ok, not to be alarmist but if you know a little bit about wahhabist, you know that if they don't get a stable leader soon, they will devour themselves and the middle east even more.

    2015 is trully the year of ter_r_o_rism

    • Good christ george....what are you?marychain
    • nothing to worry about, they're our "allies"IRNlun6
    • marychain hates putin, loves abdullah,
      slow clap
    • oh wake up Georges - terrorism is way less a threat than the 1970s - it was relentless then... stop being so daft and thinking the worldfadein11
    • the world is going to end in your lifetime. Please - you are alarmist and borderline tinfoil hat at times.fadein11
    • yeah alarmist, lol, do you even know who finance most "terrorist" groups, do you realize what will happen if this country is destabilized? Can't you even understand what happen when countries that have had the same people in power for decades gets to fight for a successor?GeorgesII
    • destabilized? Can't you even understand what happen when countries that have had the same people in power for decades gets to fight for a successor?GeorgesII
    • to fight for a successor? haven't you seen enough examples or do I even need to explain it to you like a 5 year old?GeorgesII
    • how will it be destabilised - his half brother is taking over who has identical policies - chill manfadein11
    • Jump to conclusions much?marychain
    • not a fan of wahhabist, too spicy. Prefer my sushi a bit more subtle.set

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