Longest serving QBN member award

Out of context: Reply #33

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    i started with "something"73, don't remember the name. also k10k and a few more. then newstoday and the jingle came on, qbn since 2002. pre 2000 the internet wasn't that "big", so it took one site or a few to find great info, inspiration and discussion around design and web development. later more sites appeared, spam took over most of the forums and here was the only place where something was still going on. even today, without https and vimeo (don't mention soundcloud!) support this is the most fun place i visit. and it is down to people, i think. all 20 of us with at least 4 usernames each :) still, most of the time i read things here or follow links that appear a day or two later on social networks or elsewhere. i mean where could i have whiteness brett*ashing live, hedge and more funny/bizarre stuff mixed with things i love. sometimes i send the link to people (designers and developers) and tell them how interesting this place is. nobody has yet understood what i'm talking about. a few times (drunk or stoned, usually i don't even try) i spoke about the specific language used here or some phrases, nothing. :) i seriously think this place is a big part of internet history if there is such a thing.

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