
Out of context: Reply #67

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  • iCanHazQBN0

    organicgrid, did you even read that article?

    He's talking about taking a spacecraft capable of carrying 500 people to the nearest star (Alpha Centauri), which is 4.367 light years away from Earth.

    Saturn is just 746 million miles away from earth (where they went in the movie).

    4.367 light years (Alpha Centauri) MINUS 746 million miles (Saturn) is: 4.3668731 light years

    ^ That's a MASSIVE difference. Of course we don't have enough fuel to go to the nearest star!

    • The reason the movie was labeled "Interstellar" was because of the wormhole that provided a shortcut.iCanHazQBN
    • "We now have the technology to take ET home..."Maaku
    • I think what you mean is a negligible differencecannonball1978
    • 4.3668731 light years is not a negligible difference.iCanHazQBN
    • Oh, I misunderstood your comment.iCanHazQBN
    • No, the difference in distance between Earth and the Alpha Centauri VS Earth and Saturn is massive.iCanHazQBN

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