So I met a woman...

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • sem0

    If a girl tells you she has genital herpes on the 1st date she is either

    A) Telling you because she don't want you to be shocked when you look

    B) Telling you so you don't hunt her down and go crazy WHEN you catch it

    C) Just a careless being who enjoys Tinder a bit too much

    I personally I at least strap it up after a girl told me that. Its not like having the life long herp is worth it in any form. That said, its not a 24/7 thing can only come out when you're run down etc (which says a bit about her emotional state) so if you really like her, its something that can be lived with....just....yea....I wouldn't....unless she was perfect.

    • I wouldn't touch it,
      there are to many fishes in the sea to risk it

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